HypeFactory Listed 5 Industries That Are Embracing Influencer Marketing in the Post-pandemic World

editor May 13, 2022
Updated 2022/06/09 at 1:55 AM

HypeFactory, a global influencer marketing agency, identified five industries that discovered influencer marketing during the pandemic and still using it.

Industry #1: Delivery services

After the majority of restrictions were lifted, people continued using online services that had become popular during the pandemic. For example, food delivery, documents delivery, and all sorts of other delivery services.

These services have become an integral part of people’s everyday lives, and influencer marketing agencies are still getting a significant number of leads from the companies that are providing these services.

Industry #2: FMCG

Today there are many more FMCG companies that are ready to invest in influencer marketing than before or during the pandemic.

The adoption of digital advertising has accelerated in the past few years. During lockdowns, consumers had to stay at home which contributed to the growing popularity of social media (for example, the rapid growth of TikTok). This, in turn, accelerated the interest in influencer marketing.

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Industry #3: Banking

After the pandemic, banks have also started focusing on their brand reputation and exploring influencer marketing.

With the growing digitalization, the banking industry has begun embracing fintech solutions and online banking. In other words, digitalization is turning traditional financial institutions into digital ecosystems with a wide variety of services.

Influencer marketing, which has been proved to be one of the most effective advertising channels, is gaining popularity among banks that are looking for ways to speak to their digital-savvy customers.

Industry #4: Pharmaceutical

Pharmaceutical companies are now more actively engaged in influencer marketing campaigns than before the pandemic.

The pandemic has brought into the spotlight health-related topics and re-ignited consumers’ interest in preventive measures for diseases. That’s why an increasing number of pharmaceutical companies are focusing on promoting preventive medicine.

Since influencer marketing is considered a better channel for building trust with a target audience compared to other digital advertising methods, pharmaceutical companies have become interested in partnering with influencers and leveraging their content.

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Industry #5: Gaming

The gaming industry has also seen a significant increase in social media usage. For example, the number of stream views during lockdowns was significantly higher than before the pandemic.

According to some predictions, the users who joined YouTube in 2020 were expected to leave YouTube once the pandemic was over. But this didn’t happen. Only a small percentage of users left.

As the result, influencer marketing is now very popular among gaming companies. They see an opportunity to expand their presence on YouTube and promote their products natively.

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